Someone asked me about whether I have an RSS feed. So I've posted both RSS and Atom.
Category: 1ReviewCat
Proof that Ian watches the Food Network: It's a product we saw on Food Network recently where a company (I think in the Dallas area) makes ice cream with unusual blends of fruits, herbs, and spices. Ours had lavender in it…very unusual. Zen Post
Blissfully Contended
After a slow, s-l-o-w day, where my office floor is now a little more visible, and there are more clothes on the dining room table, we had an extremely pleasant evening with our friends Bobby and Ian. Ian watches the Food Network. Need I say anything more? Every time we visit for dinner, he has… Continue reading
GOP Diversity
The GOP is putting all their energies into their convention this week, and I have to say that I'm looking forward to watching some of the choice parts on C-SPAN. One of the interesting pages on teh GOP convention site is their diversity page. Obviously, this is something that the GOP want to highlight as… Continue reading
My PGP Public Key
—–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– Version: PGP 8.1 – not licensed for commercial use: mQGiBEErj+oRBADhFx7B87o5aD+HGdCYzx0FgUBnuJ0vz+bkC/jNPiCJcFOMjJJ+ VH21w7gt83qPfeUhXvbyjiON/O/rl7Oaq96sBBfWE/Z0tPq4W9hgJd0UVk3tXPbh bvO9jMqoPxgTbUuqqg6c+5dXqiBmIU1GX2MpC+ywr/kGUCXw/cJkCsEg2QCg/wDR s4PbUdVEHfCcUXZfkgHZwY8D/AhkR3UHQzUwhDqU3JQuqhgCAhZaWQ6E0CrXZiJV Zyi74tlN3p1MwkCC+hDoVXQIaVThpOvuZK/6Q5TM0MXAp7KTrk2lBJGb/ybtIBFJ iDF3r6jE/t5sYUC3QpABEyVs9PccLRF6KkWJrSokJ0COGRTqVatDl/ZR138lt8Ny OTD1A/wMIeFYcuwo+cP+ejc2KsdPWUNDdp7D40sE2VtKqAQyUFQYvduM6trWKt4O 37PMzEt48F1hi2EO6xgqHigMj09QoJ1h+o1OOQ1Odx6H1HI70bl4oAxtW4XxeMlS HcD9MonpT1vpynunhyqJEcyYmkjWHMpIyp+KE04wC9HjHfMMrbQjSmFtZXMgRC4g TnVubiA8amFtZXNAZ2VhdXhndXJsLmNvbT6JAF0EEBECAB0FAkErj+oHCwkIBwMC CgIZAQUbAwAAAAUeAQAAAAAKCRB16bn+EuFAUBFpAJ0RX7reTMgqU5xTmT0do/lm YOQtygCdEmpppBJsTWl9rCKlQXRzLsKxWFq0U0phbWVzIE51bm4gPC9vPUVhZ2xl YmVuZCBMYW5lL291PUZpcnN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0aXZlIEdyb3VwL2NuPVJlY2lw aWVudHMvY249amFtZXM+iQBaBBARAgAaBQJBK4/qBwsJCAcDAgoFGwMAAAAFHgEA AAAACgkQdem5/hLhQFAy6wCfYIahp7YbMLCcAfo5ecL6ZccM1z8An0JQLIFrNErg 77EooEuR7WOyDepVuQINBEErj+oQCAD2Qle3CH8IF3KiutapQvMF6PlTETlPtvFu uUs4INoBp1ajFOmPQFXz0AfGy0OplK33TGSGSfgMg71l6RfUodNQ+PVZX9x2Uk89 PY3bzpnhV5JZzf24rnRPxfx2vIPFRzBhznzJZv8V+bv9kV7HAarTW56NoKVyOtQa 8L9GAFgr5fSI/VhOSdvNILSd5JEHNmszbDgNRR0PfIizHHxbLY7288kjwEPwpVsY jY67VYy4XTjTNP18F1dDox0YbN4zISy1Kv884bEpQBgRjXyEpwpy1obEAxnIByl6 ypUM2Zafq9AKUJsCRtMIPWakXUGfnHy9iUsiGSa6q6Jew1XpMgs7AAICCADpUpwi r2AWAnVPUZbyRLLur4YMTngRtsZWYGRq0xgjsToce3P6lBA1yDIzO/P6grcpEkpj g03pV/OtqXzyGZ55CTb+8HnIYdOKvYB1oLKIlA6BXyiQp4nuCdGJREZcV5ULhvp3 2qy6ORvM0ql348MLzBs1dr6+1uZ3AE4qlfkYhdW6h9ymEzrhdIkbQKi+J4AhMVQN K3tQ9TGqe+N6+iW+2Pd9YXtQWJu3PH74957g5LWMCsWDKDscjfm2kgdKINTaFhOR wsX3BTtwLSOKMECrwVTrcbbC9kqu8jxGSYn11fc7d7rKJDKPYY4XbgzV4msrZuzt 2cwJCXYHmks6VB6JiQBMBBgRAgAMBQJBK4/qBRsMAAAAAAoJEHXpuf4S4UBQ8LAA oJZrTHE79SgW9n7FUM8ylh+xfq8qAKCRW2QP59Mpxnqdt9lySLbV+bqFBA== =UBKc —–END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–
Ms. Crawford, are you there?
A friend passed this site onto me today. You have to check out the club room for some funny megamixes 🙂
Green Eggs and Hamm
I've decided that I'd like a Hamm Sandwich 🙂
Olympic Dinner & Bed Fellows
I've decided I'm going to compile a list of olympians I'd enjoy spending an evening with, first at dinner (conversation) and then in bed (well use your imagination for that bit). As I compile my list, if you feel like sharing your list, please post 🙂 My initial thoughts include Tim Lobinger, Michael Phelps …… Continue reading
Weekend Round Up
Today I am catching up on blogs. I always like to catch up on what has been up to, and he is normally up to something — today was no exception 🙂 My friends Bobby and Ian are off to Las Vegas (home of the hidden terrorist threats, as the news would have you believe)… Continue reading