Genealogy Landing Page

family tree for 3 generations

My mother was always working on the family genealogy in bits and pieces. Researching family history started out as trying to find a link between our ancestors and a condition that my sister has, but then it grew into much more. The drama and intrigue of a family history always make for a good book, and here you will find links to my ongoing work on researching our family history, building on all that my mother had pulled together over her almost 80 years.

Ancestry Family Tree

Focal Points of Genealogy Research (grandparents)

Facebook Family Genealogy Groups

Additional links will be provided as we continue down these ancestral pathways. I’ll also be posting stories along the way.


I quickly realized that there are a variety of notations, markings, etc. used within the Genealogy community. The abbreviations for common words, relationships, etc. seem to be well established, however, the “reminders” used with my genealogy charts may not be common. Here is a listing of “markings” or “notations” I’ve used with my Family Tree.

Genealogy Notations & Markings

This is a listing of notations and markings that I used in my Genealogy Family Tree. Some of these are common use, and others are just things I do to mark an entry as reminders.

Common Notations

  • GG / GF / GM- Grandparent / Grandfather / Grandmother
  • GGF / GGM – Great Grandfather / Great Grandmother
  • 3GF / 3GM – Great Great Grandfather / Great Great Grandmother

My Tree Specific

These markings are “normally” placed in the suffix area (following the last name in my tree).

  • * or ** – this entry was added from another tree but has not yet been researched or verified
  • $ or $$ – this entry has a documentation request pending
  • ^^ – this entry was added manually, based on possible connections found