Weekend Round Up

Today I am catching up on blogs. I always like to catch up on what has been up to, and he is normally up to something — today was no exception 🙂  My friends Bobby and Ian are off to Las Vegas (home of the hidden terrorist threats, as the news would have you believe) for a few days.

Saturday Chris and I visited our friend, Danny, in the hospital. He was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and is in the process of finishing his latest round of Chemo.  This round is not treating him as good as the first, but he has such an amazing attitude to it all.  No matter how bad he feels, he always seems happy to see a visiting face.  Later we then caught up with Jonas and Scott for din din at Campisi's on Mockingbird.  We dropped by Scott's house to check out the work that he and Jonas had been doing.  Looking good boys … oh, and the yard/pool!

Sort of getting hooked on the olympics, so it has been a little tougher to drag me away from the house.  Chris tries, I guess so I don't become a hermit.

Sunday was more olympics, and catching up on some reading.  I've finally  finished Al Franken's book, “Lies, and the lying liars who tell them.”  Very funny (in parts), and very educational (in parts).  Conservative types would do themselves a favor to read this, just to gauge a different insight into how conservative policies and actions are seen by another large group of the world.

This morning, I was at a student organization training session at the college. It was actually very good, and was run extremely well.  Kudos to the Student Life group who put that together.

Having caught up with blogs, I think I might return to the GE bunch of media companies to catch up on the olympics.