Ancestry Life Story for my Paternal Grandfather, Father of Donald Martin George Nunn Ancestry Link
Life Story: Stanley Victor Barlow
As I continue to delve into the family history, I will be posting updates through the Life Story option. Here is what I have – so far – for Stanley Victor Barlow, my maternal great-grandfather. Stanley Victor Barlow was born on August 27, 1893, in North Brighton, Victoria, Australia. His father, Thomas, was 44 and… Continue reading
Letter to Mom – Two Years
Today is fast becoming my new mother’s day. Not in a way to celebrate, but more to honor my mom. I often talk with her and let her know what is going on, and this year, I’m writing a letter to my mom, to keep her updated on life as it has happened without her… Continue reading
Pride 2020
At the outset, I’ll remind folks that I am not your typical flag-waving, rainbow-wearing, militant gay man. I don’t even own boots! I’m James, an Aussie-born American, surburbia-dweller, dog lover, cat admirer, wanna-be environmentalist, socially aware guy who also happens to be gay. I live with my husband of officially 7 years, and partner for… Continue reading
Life Story of Dawn Olive McCullough
As I continue to explore my family history, I will post occasional life stories of individuals from my family tree. These will be noted with who each person is to me. Ancestor Reference: Mother When Dawn Olive McCullough was born on November 30, 1938, in Seymour, Victoria, Australia, her father, David, was 22, and her… Continue reading
Unveiling Aurelia Dawn
I think it is fair to say that Chris has long dreamt of sitting on a boat sipping a beer or a cocktail listening to his favorite music somewhere on the water. And I think it is fair to say that I may not have felt that same well … well except for the cocktail… Continue reading
I swear…
As I write this post, I am realizing that in less than four hours I will become an American Citizen. That is so weird to write. I don’t think I really knew if this day would ever come, mainly as I never really thought it was something that really mattered. I mean, I love my… Continue reading
Vacay(a) in the Mexican Riviera
As some of you have surmised from some recent social media posts, Chris and I spent last week on the Riviera Maya at the amazing UNICO 20º87º Hotel Riviera Maya. We were there with with our VACAYA family for their inaugural resort experience.
We had one of the best trips we have ever had.
One year…
One year ago, we listened as you took your last breath. There was silence. There was sadness. Our hearts were broken and an emptiness began to form, as we came to the realization that you were not going to be there with us anymore. One year ago, at 10:15 PM on that Thursday night, our… Continue reading