Well, they did it. Bobby finally made an honest man out of Ian (or was it the other way around??). Earlier today (pretend it’s Saturday), they had their wedding ceremony at the Hemingway House. Pictures will be available soon, but all activities went without a hitch … Even the temptation of a Hurricane did little… Continue reading
Category: Travel
Weekend Recap – Camp Version
Over the weekend Chris, Bobby, Ian, Jonas, Josh and I headed north-east to Broken Bow (near Beavers Bend State Park) for our annual camping trip. Also joining us were Bosley, Caleb, Colby, Dawson and Skylar – los perros adventureros. Bobby, Ian, Chris and I have been going since every year since 2000 (well we did… Continue reading
Cute Bonding Moment
Cute Bonding Moment Originally uploaded by MelbGuy. This is one of my favorite pics from our recent camping trip. Colby gets so tired at times that you can see his head nodding up and down as he fights the urge to sleep. Chris took the opportunity to cuddle into him as he was doing this,… Continue reading
Group Shot #2 – Camping 2006
Group Shot – Kindness of Strangers Originally uploaded by MelbGuy. This picture was taken by a kind stranger who saw our attempts at a self-timer shot, and offered to take a picture for us. Left to right (clockwise): Jonas, Travis, Ian, Bobby, Josh, James (me), Chris, Bosley, Colby, Skylar, Caleb, Dawson. This is my new… Continue reading
Group Shot # 1 – Camping 2006
Group Shot – Self Timer Originally uploaded by MelbGuy. Chris, I and the boyz (Bosley and Colby) have just returned from a weekend camping trip in Oklahoma. We had to do the obligatory group shot on the last day (this morning) on one of the trails traveled over the weekend. This shot is a self… Continue reading
Wednesday Recap
Politics & The Supreme Court: These past few days have not actually been busy, per se, just been keeping a low profile on the blogging front. Wondering why? The Samuel Alito confirmation hearings are on, and in an effort to educate myself about some of the doctrines that influence this country's supreme law, I've been… Continue reading
Key West
Andy (from towleroad) has been holidaying (vacationing) in Key West. It looks like they painted the Southern Most Point marker after the recent storms that hit that area. He ate a place called Pepe's, which at first I thought was one of the required stops every time we visit Key West (formerly El Maison de Pepe),… Continue reading
NOLA 2005 Reflections
Now that I've “caught up” with my posts about the trip this past weekend, I thought I might offer some reflections (you know the deep and meaningful insights that drift into the mind from time to time). People: I have to say the best part of the weekend was the group. I've travelled a lot… Continue reading
NOLA Update Finale
Sunday is our last day in New Orleans. Bobby and Ian left on an earlier flight with American, so it was just Layton, Brian, Chris and I left. We decided that we would try to get on an earlier flight, however it appeared that all flights out of NOLA was booked solid. So we decided… Continue reading