On the evening of May 16, 2023, Brian Livingston, one of our council members – whilst attending a City of Frisco TX Council meeting – decided to share a video post on his personal page about a local retailer selling baby clothes and other clothes that portrayed rainbows and other pride items (see below for… Continue reading
Category: Rants & Raves
The Bitterness of FirstLeaf
I recently had an unpleasant experience with an online retailer. I know, shocking right? Here’s the thing, there were two outcomes that could have happened with this experience. Well, maybe three.
Today was not such a great day.
Today was my unexpected last day with working for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS). This reality occurred after receiving an email from my immigration attorney on Monday that stated (in part): “In regards to your case, we found out through an inquiry this morning they are not going to process it as premium processing and… Continue reading
front of the queue (or line)
We are off to see The Simpsons Movie tonight, and after enjoying a salad at CPK, we got to the cinema and we got our place in line – at the front. First time ever 🙂 Of course this meant we got to pick the best seats, well Corey did :). The theatre is a… Continue reading
Today is THE Day – Go Vote!
As many others are posting on their blogs get out and vote today! If you live in Frisco, you can find your polling place information here.
Early Weekly Alert
Earlier today I received an email from the American Humanist Association alerting me to the fact that the US House could be voting on a bill that would “make it more difficult to oppose organizations and local governments that seek to establish a specific religion in the public sphere.” According to the official title of… Continue reading
Well after making the trek to Addison for Kaboom Town, we were standing on the balcony looking at a prematurely ended show. The music continued as if nothing happened, which was exactly what was happening 🙂 I now also remember why I don’t come to Kaboom Town – not because of the failings of a… Continue reading
Porn, Bed Partners, Pussy and Booze
I normally don’t get into straight “porn” but yesterday, I found this link thanks to Jared over at Completely Naked. You can see some screenshots at Casual in Istanbul but I downloaded the movie just to see “what it was all about.” Something that would please all my friends who like watching people have sex.… Continue reading
A-(anti)F-A Moaning
I just got an email from Chris outlining the latest moans and groans from the American (anti-)Family Association, and decided to browse around their site to see what other things they have been up to. I found this page. This page was presented as “proof” of the type of activities that occurs at the Gay Games (the… Continue reading