I got this email, and I just had to post it. This is funny (to me), especially the bill to bury books 🙂 Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:26 PM To: lgbt-politics@yahoogroups.com Subject: [lgbt-politics] 2005 Republican 'Fire Oaths' 2005 Republican 'Fire Oaths' January 27, 2005 http://www.christiangrantham.com Arkansas Rep. Roy Ragland (R-Marshall) hasn't said what he'd … Continue reading 81702

New Bushism?

Bush gave a speech as he was signing a bill the other day.  He said, “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we,” Bush said. “They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” Now we get the gist of what he was trying … Continue reading New Bushism?

Dems Presidential Nomination

Last night, I watched the process for the selection of presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.  After the nomination speeches in the afternoon, the states had a roll-call (in the evening) that went on into the night).  Following the end of the voting, John Kerry won 🙂  Yeah, yeah, I know 🙂