Well humpf! David Tennant is leaving his role as Doctor Who next year. Just when it was getting good. One post on the site suggests that the Doctor could regenerate as a woman, and Billie Piper (Tennant’s first sidekick) was suggested. If that happens, it will be a sad day.
Category: OMFG
Onya Jonny
Good interview tonight on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. His guest was Senator Russ Feingold, and his recent moves to censure the POTUS.
Bye bye Chef
Just watched the latest episode of South Park. I had wondered how they would deal with the decision to of Isaac Hayes to quit the show as “Chef.” It was handled as only the creators of South Park could handle this – with honor and respect …. BWWHHHAHHAAAAAHHAHAHAHHAH They killed Chef off, and gave us all… Continue reading
Tonight is Oscar Night
Tonight is Oscar Night, with John Stewart at the wheel. I'm normally not into these award shows, but this year I thought it woudl be fun to make a competition, and have our own ballots before the show started. Jonas, Brian, Chris and I will be our own Academy. I've even done up lovely ballots… Continue reading
West Wing's Last Season
It seems that the decision has been made to call it quits on West Wing after this current season. According to a report in USA Today, the show “will close this spring with President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) leaving and a new president — either Democrat Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) or Republican Arnold Vinick (Alan Alda)… Continue reading
Thank you AFA
I really have the AFA to thank for putting me onto The Book of Daniel. Normally, I would have read the blurb, seen it was “just another show about religion” and not given it a second thought. After the noise that the AFA and their underlings made about the show, I thought I should check… Continue reading
Call to Action
It seems that the first NBC affiliate has succumbed to the pressure being bought about by the AFA, in relation to the new show commencing on Friday, “The Book of Daniel.” The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is asking people to call the network and their affiliate stations and say they are looking… Continue reading
OM Freakin’ G
Talk about Santa's inability to control his animalistic urges! (This is what it is really about.) I mean, who wants their kids bouncing on Santa's hardened lap. Another solution would have been to move Santa, or better still – not have the dude there in the first place. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa who… Continue reading