Legal Update – April 2006

Well things have been a little slow on this. The latest from the Collin County Justice Court is that the case will still be assigned a date in May or June. Given the timing of the CCGLA annual meeting (May 23), I am hopeful that the date is in May before this meeting.

Still waiting

I never really wanted to contribute to the liturgious society that we live in, however recent activities of a small group of people involved with a community organization which I have been involved have caused me to join this societal grouping.  (You can read more about the details here.)  I'm still waiting to hear from the court … Continue reading Still waiting

CCGLA Served

Dawnetta Miller, CCGLA's Founder and Registered Agent, was served with papers relating to the court case on the afternoon of December 1, 2005, by the Collin County Constable's office. This means that CCGLA has until 10AM on Monday, December 12 to respond to the claims.