Reversal Time

Following a "settlement conference" on Wednesday between CCGLA and CEF, I have reuploaded all the previous material relating to my lawsuit against CCGLA for their actions relating to my removal as a director, and expulsion as a member.

Dismissal Order

Today I received the court order dismissing the case which I bought against CCGLA. It seems that when you withdraw your claim, it actually is taken as a dismissal - in this case without prejudice (which in legal terms means the case can be re-activated). It is nice to have this finalized.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Challenge Fails

The court challenge to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy (Cook v. Rumsfeld) was dismissed today by the U.S. District Court forthe District of Massachusetts. According to the Service Members Legal Defense Network website, The U.S. District Court forthe District of Massachusetts has granted the government’s motion to dismiss in Cook v. Rumsfeld, a constitutional … Continue reading "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Challenge Fails