I was just reading about a planned multi-state campaign led by the Family Policy Network “to allow parents to give permission before public school children can take part in non-academic clubs which promote homosexual activity.” In the article, one of the FPN’s spokesmen states, “Basically the legislation will seek to require public schools to notify… Continue reading
Category: InEquality
Commentary: Rev. Al Sharpton
The Reverend Al Sharpton has a commentary on CNN today relating to the focus of black church leaders on sexually-based themes, rather than social issues like race-based inequality, poverty and voting equality. Rev. Sharpton makes the following comment about Dr. Martin Luther Kings mission, And he performed all of his acts under the banner of… Continue reading
Religious Equality: Wiccans
It appears that the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) is skirting the boundaries of the Constitution by not providing a religious marker on a fallen soldier’s grave marker. The soldier, Sgt. Patrick Stewart, is believed to be the first Wiccan to have died in the line of duty, and his widow asked for his… Continue reading
CCGLA Lawsuit Information
UPDATE (6/30/2006): This complaint has been withdrawn.
Losing Focus on Our Values
Have the recent discussions about illegal immigration triggered a reaction from CCGLA’s board of directors that now has this community organization discriminating against immigrants? Recently the CCGLA board amended its’ bylaws to prevent anyone who is not a registered voter to be eligible to be a director or officer of the organization. To become a… Continue reading
CCGLA Amends Bylaws; Members Disenfranchised?
It appears that at the April 23, 2006 meeting of the CCGLA Board of Directors, an amendment was made to section 2.03(g) of the organization’s bylaws. This section now reads, To be a candidate for Director or officer you must be a registered voter Previously, the bylaw read, To be a candidate for Director or… Continue reading
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Challenge Fails
The court challenge to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (Cook v. Rumsfeld) was dismissed today by the U.S. District Court forthe District of Massachusetts. According to the Service Members Legal Defense Network website, The U.S. District Court forthe District of Massachusetts has granted the government’s motion to dismiss in Cook v. Rumsfeld, a constitutional… Continue reading
Thank You and Explanation
I wanted to thank all of you who have sent me emails supportive of my actions against CCGLA. A couple of you have asked why I was pursuing this, and I thought I would post my response to this question here. Firstly, I believe that the actions of members of the CCGLA Board was in… Continue reading
Dismissal Claims
When I arrived at the special board meeting this morning, I was presented with the following claims to support the actions of some board members. Board of Directors Special Meeting November 19, 2005 In accordance with section 4.05 of the Collin County Gay & Lesbian Alliance Bylaws, notice is hereby given that the Collin County… Continue reading