
I was catching up on blogs today, and found this very cool speed test for the Internets (well the one I'm currently using). Thanks to Chad Fox for the link. That is 6,111 kb/s download. About adequate for all the downloads that venture into this house.

DOPA, ii

Last month, I blogged about how the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Deleting Online Predators Act. It appears that online opposition to this has been growing, and a newish site has been created to combat this legislation. The Save Your Space site aims to "show the public, the media and the U.S. government the … Continue reading DOPA, ii

LJ Xfer Discovery

I discovered today, that when I transferred all my blog posts over from LiveJournal to this new blog tool, that the private messages all became public. Never fear, I've gone through and passworded the posts, so you can see it exists, but can't read it. I'm not sure if this is how I'm going to … Continue reading LJ Xfer Discovery

Men Want Pussy?

My friend Damir shared this with me. It's a little dated (as in, October 2005), but it was an incredible read and inspiring! I'm intrigued enough to now go exploring the rest of this blog.