Well, after some thought, I've resigned from the CCGLA Board of Directors last night. I figured it was time to move on, as a lot of the issues that were causing me to dislike the organization was becoming too unbearable, and I decided it just wasn't worth it. I'm staying on as president of the… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
Well after a hectic day of doing things, we didn't make it to the reception. I felt bad, but we ended up not planning our day very well. We are planning to go to a friends colorguard performance later tonight, so decided that we would not really want to drive downtown twice. I'm looking forward… Continue reading
Immigration Equality
Well today Chris and I are going to an Immigration Equality reception here in Dallas. Hope to meet up with some other couples who go through the same issues that we are planning on going through. It would be nice to have the PPIA go through this year… but with it being an election year,… Continue reading
Where did my spring break go?
I can't believe it's already Friday. I don't think I actually got to enjoy this spring break. I didn't get half the stuff I wanted to get done finished, and yet I was busy as all heck. What gives? I guess I was productive a little. I did update the Student Government site … finally.
Great line from Latter Days
I'll have to find the exact line, but I thought this was kind of great! Father asks some if he thinks he's hypocritical, and the son replies “this is beyond hypocritical, it's just mean.”
Latter Days
Just saw the movie “Latter Days” and what a great film. Makes you feel that sometimes when you think life is bad, there are others who have it worse — but it all works out in the end.
Hmmm.. I just tried out the new (to me) feature of posting through email. Still waiting…. Anyway, I've decided to do the facial growth thing, given it adds so much to so many others. Here are some pics.
PPIA Continues to Grow
On Friday, February 27th, Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island became the first Senate Republican to co-sponsor the Permanent Partners Immigration Act. It's great to see Republicians signing onto this bill in both houses of congress. This bill will provide the opportunity for same-sex partners, and opposite-sex partners of Americans to seek permanent immigration… Continue reading
Senate Committees
Today the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights held a hearing on “Judicial Activism vs. Democracy: What are the National Implications of the Massachusetts Goodridge Decision and the Judicial Invalidation of Traditional Marriage Laws?” Some good testimony was given, and the written statements will be worth a… Continue reading