Well two things worth reporting on today. Firstly, Chris got an email asking if he was interested in heading down to Florida to assist in insurance issues, a la State Farm Nat Cat days. The proposal is pretty amazing, and if he can do this, then it would be a great financial opportunity for him… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
South of 121
After coffee tonight, Scott, Jonas, Brian S., Chris and I drove south of Hwy 121. It's rare for me to do this on a Friday night, but Brian had suggested that we go to Sal's Pizza over in the Shoppes of Legacy. Naturally I had chicken parmigiana, which was very good. I've heard the pizza… Continue reading
Mitigation what?
Today many of the HOA board met with our new Project Manager from the US Corps of Engineers. The meeting went very well, and I think we got a lot achieved through the discussions that we had, and the stroll around our creek. One of the key questions that needed to be answered was, and… Continue reading
Brian S. invited Chris and I over to his new apartment for dinner tonight. Chris was unable to attend, so I went solo. Had something called “monster nachos” which basically meant that I had to make them myself, with the toppings that I wanted … not something that will catch on in Tex-Mex restaurants, given… Continue reading
I've got Spirit How 'Bout You?
Today, after working a little, I had a meeting to discuss the launch of the college's new mascot, the cougar. It's been a long time in coming, and finally the day is nearing – next Tuesday. Lots of planning to still get done, but I think it will work out for the best. Check out… Continue reading
First Day of School … Again!
Well today was my first day back at school for the fall semester. This semester I have decided to take all my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which leaves MWF for working, and SGA activities. Apart from the longer hours, I think this might work quite well for me. Beginning Spanish: After having my Statistcs/Government… Continue reading
Backdate? Who me?
For my regular readers who have visited me since my last post, and not seen anything, don't be concerned. LJ allows backdated entries, which is much better than large posts playing catch-up (IMHO). Today was the first day of the fall semester — Yay! It was also the first day back at work since about… Continue reading
Boycott for Equality
Reading about the Boycott for Equality event planned for Friday, October 8, 2004. Read more at their site: http://www.boycottforequality.org/
Australians to the Polls in October
Just read over on blog that PM Howard (that's Prime Minister) has called the federal election for October 9, 2004. Arty is going to be voting for a monkey. Read his reasoning why.