Had a great class this evening. Tuesday evenings I spend my time in a comparative religion class (part of the Philosophy stream at CCCC). Tonight we discussed Ghandi, and his views on many things, including other traditions (read, religions). Firstly, we are discussing Ghandi, because we are studying Hinduism. Ghandi was Hindu (just in case… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
Are You Registered to Vote?
If you are not, and you live in Texas, you have until October 4, 2004. You can register online, by clicking on the icon below (this is part of the TJCSGA Region II campaign to encourage people to register to vote).
Being Arty
Not to be confused with my friend Richard (who also goes the nick aRTy), I thought I should paste a link to the Michael Breyette's site, the artist who is responsible for my cowboy print (which I recently acquired). Check it out at http://www.studio1088.com/.
Faceless men…
… one of them arrived yesterday! I now own art! The cowboy art that I purchased is much better offline, than online 🙂 I got print 74 out of 100! I think my theme for art is going to be faceless men.
Is that a Dorito in your pocket?
Yesterday (that would be Friday, to the day-minus-one challenged) Ian invited us to his work's annual Frito Lay @ Six Flags. Bobby, Brian S. Scott, Jonas and myself went as part of Ian's pack, and commenced our frito-fun around 6 (well, Bobby, Brian and Ian had gotten there earlier and taken part in the margarita… Continue reading
An end to the long weekend
Well the weekend is finally coming to a close. Overall it was a lot of fun, with a lot of relaxation, and the right amount of social interaction. Last night after the political shock announced by my mother, I didn't get to bed until after 4AM! I was obviously… what is the word, verklempt (said… Continue reading
Donde estas …
Today, I practiced spanish. I even made note cards, and started to put post it notes around the casa. Chris and I were invited down to Scott's home tonight for dinner, where he and Jonas were playing hosts. It was a fun evening, with a good (?) mix of people. Scott has a cute friend… Continue reading
Poo, bum, shite (UK version!)
After working my fingers and mouse to the bone, everything is working again! The ONLY thing different is that I've switched Chris's email to an external server. Everything else, I mean, EVERYTHING is the same, and it's working like a charm. Some days I wonder if the spiritual jesters are just plain mean.
Where the hell is technical support?
I swear, sometimes I get things into my head to fix something, only to realize that I really shouldn't have wasted my time. Today I am working on correcting a problem with our email server. Someone “out there” can send a message to one of us “in here” and 6-12 hours later we might get… Continue reading