I was hoping for something on the first or second floor, but I guess it's in the right place. The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
Headlines that make you go … what?!?!
My friend aRTy over in Oz posted the following blog headline: “Bush Orders Draft“
Citroen Gonna Make You Sweat
recently posted to his blog this cool about a dancing Citroen. Check it out.
CJ just keeps getting better
What a moment when CJ is sitting with Leo and finds out how important her job really is. The show keeps getting better.
Time for reflection; time to move forward!
With the announcement by Senator Kerry conceding the presidency to George W. Bush, now is a time for the LGBT community to reflect on the environment that we will be working on for the next four years, and choose the pathway that is likely to bring positive change to the lives of our community. In… Continue reading
Class Notes
What an amazing class tonight! We started our discussion with a question on homosexuality, and why “we” thought it was wrong (as in, with what authority is it stated that being gay is a sin). It was interesting to hear the opinions on nature -vs- nurture, and how being gay is a choice, not something… Continue reading
Add BBC to ORG and COM and mix well
Seems the BBC found the (dot)ORG version of the GWB site, and are doing a story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/3956129.stm Quote from story: In Jacksonville, to determine if Republicans were using the lists or other means of intimidating voters, we filmed a private detective filming every “early voter” – the majority of whom are black – from behind… Continue reading
ORGs -vs- COMs
http://georgewbush.org/ – a parody site of GeorgeWBush.Com http://georgewbush.org/deadletteroffice/index.asp – interesting read of letters caught in the dead letter office
Monster Slash
Brazzers Discount Quite fun, and educational too 🙂