The first of my two expected “A's” has just been posted. Yay GPA!
Category: 1ReviewCat
Changing college policy
The Student Government Association at CCCCD is putting forward a request to change the college's non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The Board of Trustees have yet to receive the request, however it is anticipated that this will land on their table in January. I'm optimistic that it will change. Stay tuned!
Finally another grade has been posted. The only B I expected this semester is now the second B to be posted. I have now fully appreciated art!
The neighbors had a nice little holiday event last night. It was good to catch up with some of the neighbors that you keep passing in the street. I think when I've finished my stint on the HOA Board, that I'm going to encourage more street events — they always seem fun. Afterwards, Chris and… Continue reading
¡Yay! Un B en clase español
I just finished my final exam for the semester in Spanish (Beginning) and suprised myself with a B in the class. This was meant to be a C – my only one for this semester, so I'm pretty pumped. Now if I can just get the professors to enter the grades into the system, I… Continue reading
More Hunter
Hunter at 17. Today is turning out to be a really good day 🙂
Hunting the Hunter
I love this Reality Blurred site. From the site: This is ironic — and quite sad, really — because, as we learned earlier via revealing photos, Hunter — or someone who is his twin — isn't exactly a stranger in these parts. He used to dance at the gay bar known as the Backstreet Dance… Continue reading
Gotta Luv IKEA
The New York Times recently had an article on the supposed division between the national organizations on the issue of same-sex marriage. One quote from the article says Some gay rights activists, including the leadership of the Human Rights Campaign, said they believed that aggressively pursuing same-sex marriage only played into the hand of Republicans… Continue reading