I was chatting to a person the other week, about sexual orientation and the issue currently being reviewed (ignored?) by the CCCCD Board of Trustees. Anyway, she made an interesting comment as we were talking about the existing 'protected' classes that most discrimination policies have including religion. Her comment was religion, itself, could be seen to… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
updated EGB
Today I spent some time updating the EGB website. I'm really liking drupal (CMS) so installed it on to EGB server. I installed yet another theme, and will continue to tweak it to get it just right. I”m not strong on PHP programming, but it (drupal) offers a lot of assistance to those of us… Continue reading
Alcohol should be consumed from pictures, er pitchers
The other day, I made a batch (a pitcher) of Apple Martinis. I got the simple recipe from our friends Bobby and Ian, and then I enhanced it – as you should always do with a good recipe. After creating A LOT of this stuff, I decided that it wasn't green enough, so I added… Continue reading
AOL qualifies
Remember I posted something about AOL and privacy (relating to AIM)? Well it appears there was enough of an uproar over this, that they have qualified their policy. (Courtesy of Boing Boing.)
Assist Me
I can only wish to have an assistant like this one day 🙂 [Link to towleroad, who gets all the good email!]
Oh Oh Oh Oh … Superman
The boy they have chosen to play Superman in “Superman Returns” is just the sweetness my eyes enjoy. Brandon Routh will play Clark Kent in the new movie, due for release on June 30th, 2006. Brandon has his own webpage (go figure), and includes an piccie of him in a towel (snapped from the MTV… Continue reading
I sent an email to Chris this morning (to his work email). I just got the following notice: This is an automated message from the BorderWare MXtreme Mail Firewall at host mail01.ctcplc.com. #################################################################### # THIS IS A WARNING ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. # #################################################################### Your message could not be delivered… Continue reading
Spring Break – Yay
Spring Break for me starts this week (today). Collective yay please. I need this week to catch up on homework, TJCSGA updates, SGA updates, Foundation updates, not to mention time to spend with my guy and our pooches, I plan on hitting the gym this week, and walking/running/riding/swimming – I'm tired of being paunchy. Besides… Continue reading
AIM takes aim at your privacy
Ian passed this link over to me (on AIM mind you), and I thought it was worth of a post. http://www.benstanfield.com/thrash/2005/03/aol_eavesdrops_.html