Layton forwarded this to me today, and I hope you appreciate this as much as I did 🙂
Category: 1ReviewCat
Star Wars Cubed
Ian, Chris and I went to see Star Wars tonight. It was a last minute thing, and I kind of suspected that we would not be able to get in, however when we got to the theatre, no lines, and excellent seating. I guess those that needed to, did; and those of us who didn't,… Continue reading
I thought this post over at PostSecret(dot)com was kind of funny 🙂 Link:
Odd Name, Kewl Idea
Check out – it's a congressional representative and senator watch blog. Saw this site referenced over at Modern Fabulocity.
Boys who kiss
First there was Dominic Monahan and now it's Ewan and Hayden's turn.
Independent judiciary Worth a review, given all that is happening today.
Thursday, the day after Wednesday
Today was a busy day, but a good one. Started the day off getting ready to attend the SGA Swearing In Ceremony. That occured, and we got our new group sworn in and ready for action (well … sworn in). Ate a pleasant lunch that we had bought in, and then home to change and… Continue reading
Senate Filet
I contributed a little something to my friend Bobby's blog about the use of cloture in the US Senate, and I discovered the wonders of WikiPedia, “the free encyclopedia” on the Internets. Two good links. First, the entry on the United States Senate provides a very clear and understandable of the Senate, its powers and… Continue reading
Happy Birthday Ian
Ian is celebrating his birthday today. Happy Birthday Ian!!