It's been an interesting couple of days down here in St. Pete (as it is known to the locals). Chris and I got here Thursday to the lovely rain storm that was courtesy of TS Arlene. Of course it lasted only until we woke up this morning and the sunshine was streaming through the windows… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
Thanks to Andy for this link. I figured that given we are in St. Petersburg, I thought I should post this link about how the county wants the library in the area to remove some gay pride display. Shameful. Just saw a TV trailer for Bewitched. Two words: June 24 (okay that is three words).
Slippery Russians in St. Petersburg
After a frantic start to my day (that is, waking up), I am sitting in St. Petersburg (not Russia, but Florida) at our friends Tim & Kate, and their new(ish) baby, Isaac Daniel. Getting to Florida was time consuming (it is a little bit of a distance), but generally an uneventful flight. Chris managed to… Continue reading
Being Artsy
Australian artist, Ross Watson has released a new series of paintings – of which one is shown below. This painting features Paul Licuria, a “high-profile” AFL player for Collingwood. The image combines a rubenesque style alongside current imagery (in this particular series, featuring sports figures). Quite a unique method, and very becoming.
“By almost a 10 point margin, in the reliably Democratic district Julian Castro vacated to run for mayor, voters elected Elena Guajardo, the first openly gay candidate to ever even run in San Antonio.” Read more at [Edited to include the quote marks around the quote. My MLA professor would be ashamed if I'd… Continue reading
Tuesday Catch Up
I have to say that today was not that exciting. Sure we had all the hoo-ha over the comments by Texas Governor Rick Perry, but apart from that, not a lot happened. I'm getting used to UPS delivering to my house. Last week, I ordered a new toy, which came with a “freebie.” Of course,… Continue reading
Our Governor
“Texans have made a decision about marriage and if there is some other state that has a more lenient view than Texas then maybe that's a better place for them to live.” – Gov. Rick Perry My thoughts on this are to offer to help Gov. Perry move out of the Governor's mansion.
Think before Pressing Submit
I find this concerning that I missed this. The deadline has passed for comment. Why didn't someone tell me?
Call me crazy, but I've decided I'm going to run for the CCGLA board again this year. There is going to be a large turnover this year, as all the original board members terms are up, leaving two remaining directors, and a vacancy that has remained unfilled for a while. I guess there will be… Continue reading