And to think that I was only there a week ago! Shocking!! Article at the St. Petersburg Times.
Category: 1ReviewCat
Why am I always the last to know?
I'm sitting here this morning, sipping my caffeine, and catching up on blogs and find that tonight will be EPISODE 4 of Strip Search on VH1! Episode 4 people! Hello!!
The Gospel on Gay Marriage
I had this article sent to me today from Alternet titled, “The Gospel on Gay Marriage.” It's an interesting read, and offers an insight into the “evangelicals” that have been so visible since the mid-90's. The author offers some sage advice when she writes, “People of faith on the left and on the right need… Continue reading
Uniting Texans
We had a great meeting this evening. Chris organized a planning meeting for Texans United, a special purpose committee relating to the Texas Constitutional amendment being considered in November. We had 22 people turn up, and the energy of each person there was amazing. You could tell that there were people just wanting to do… Continue reading
Best Gay Blogs
Catching up on blogs today, and found this link to Best Gay Blogs. Thought it was worth sharing.
this i believe
While listening to NPR this afternoon, I heard an essay read as part of the “this I believe” series. It was really quite good. The premise of the series is for people to write an essay that would go for about three minutes on something they believe in. Today's essay was from Colleen Shaddox titled… Continue reading
Sunday slowness
Today was a slow day. I woke up feeling a little blah, and had a dry, sore throat. I kind of figured it was the effect of the lack of allergy pills, and the walk that we did last night. I had a couple of lay downs, though didn't get much sleep. We did go… Continue reading
Startled, was I
Oh, and in the most startling news of the week, my good friend Layton has gently wandered into the blogging arena. I've yet to check to see if it okay to post his blog address, so won't post it yet. You can read more over at Sit down, have a drink.
More News
Oops, after writing an earlier post about deciding to run for the CCGLA Board, I forgot to post that I was “elected” on Wednesday night. Not sure of what to expect yet, though I have sent out a brief (?) introduction just to keep the motivation going. Not sure if it was related or not,… Continue reading