The time has come to reflect on the weekend that has just passed us by, and which many people spent time masticating hot dogs, burgers and other Americana. (Do you how long I've waiting to use that word?*) The weekend began on Friday, like most others. Being the Friday prior to a long weekend, Chris… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
NY Times Editorial
Stephanie Coontz over at the New York Times wrote an opinion piece, “The Heterosexual Revolution” which discusses marriage and how heterosexuals have changed this institution over time. Thanks to Lewis over at Towleroad for the heads up.
America, before make-up
Over at Towleroad, Lewis Payton is filling in for Andy while he travels. Lewis's first post was a doozy (read: awesome), and has caused a barrage of comments … well a few at least. I always like to read the comments on posts – though sometimes there is little time to do that. Today I… Continue reading
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
I normally don't agree with a lot Andrew Sullivan has written, but I enjoyed his essay that he contrbituted to NPR's “This, I believe” program for July 4, 2005. Titled, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” he reminisces on the meaning of each in America.
War of the (lack of) Words
I've just seen War of the Worlds. I can't say that I enjoyed it. I felt the movie was trying to portray Tom Cruise as something he wasn't (or wasn't capable of playing that character). I also think a script that involves one character having more than one “line” of screaming is just needing a… Continue reading
Those bells are ringing …
Spain officially allows same-gender marriages, adoptions and other “marriage-like” qualities with the passage of bill for the second time in the Spanish lower house (Congress of Deputies). The measure was rejected by the Senate last week, however the second passage with a vote of 187 in favor and 147 opposed cements the law in place.… Continue reading
Speaking of crashes…
This morning my boo-boo (pet name for my Chevy Malibu) died. On Sunday, after being at the dog park with the boys, we stopped off at the new Kroger on Coit and Hwy 121 (very nice, by the way) to get some items for dinner. While Chris ventured into the store to collect the goodies,… Continue reading
Interesting movement to turn Crash (the 2005 film with Don Cheadle, Ryan Fellipe, etc) into a weekly series on FX. Originaly seen at ModFab. It will be interesting to see how they do the story line, and I imagine each episode would be like a much smaller version of the movie – focusing on maybe… Continue reading
Canada makes it official
According to, Canada has made same-gender marriage official. A great quote from the Canadian Prime Minister: “We are a nation of minorities and in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry pick rights. A right is a right and that is what this vote tonight is all about,” Canadian Prime… Continue reading