This is kind of cool. A blogathon (if it's good enough for Jerry Lewis, why not bloggers!). Details here:
Category: 1ReviewCat
Hell Freezing Over
This may be old, but it's the first time I saw it. I really like the guy's logic 🙂 Thanks to thomas&co for this gem. The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so “profound” that the professor shared it with colleagues, via… Continue reading
Florida Shame
All I can say is shame, Florida, shame. Young, Gay, and Hated in Florida (via towleroad)
CNN Leaks Novak Out
Daily Kos reports on CNN's decision to suspend Bob Novak today after his outburst, and walking of the set of Inside Edition. John Stewart played the excerpt this evening, however it was difficult to tell what James Carville was saying just before Novak stormed out. Daily Kos has the text.
The Best Kind of Navel Gazing
THANK YOU Andy for providing this tasteful link to Ryan Phillipe's navel. I have one word to say … DAMN!
Adidas + Reebok
Sportswear Maker Adidas to Buy Reebok (AP) : AP – Adidas-Salomon AG said Wednesday that it will buy shoemaker Reebok International Ltd. in a $3.8 billion deal, giving the company about 20 percent of the U.S. market and putting it in a position to better challenge leader Nike Inc.
A Rove'n we will go
Daily KOS reports that Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald may be zeroing in on Rove. A story over at ABC news seems to suggest that Fitzgerald clearly has his sites on Rove. Let's see how this develops … if at all.
Getting Hatched
Representative Aaron Peña (TX) has blogged about a possible contender to Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah) in the next GOP primary. Read more over here
Pride in Exile
Hillsborough County Pride In Exile Events Planned In Key West : Showing support for the beleaguered gay and lesbian residents up north in Hillsborough County, Florida, the Commissioners of the City of Key West and the surrounding Monroe County have issued proclamations for a new gathering in Key West on… [Read more over at C.D.… Continue reading