I always find it amusing that you can say one thing one day, and then be reading it in the newspaper the next 🙂 Yesterday, I chatted with Linda Stewart Ball from the Dallas Morning News about the increase in HIV infections that have occured in the Collin and Denton county areas. Today, there are… Continue reading
Category: 1ReviewCat
Sociology of Marriage
During the fall of 2005, I took my first UNT-based class called Sociology of Marriage and Family (SOCI3000). Attached are two essays submitted during this class. Both received full scores and “Absolutely Excellent” comments. The first essay looks at some of the different sociological theories and how they applied to my different stages of my… Continue reading
Neuropolitics Survey
Layton linked to this survey, which I took. And now the results: Personal Evaluation You are focused on social inequity in your daily life. You have a higher tolerance for ambiguous reality models. You maintain a larger social relationship array than most people. Your moral system is highly based on greatest good or utilitarian principles. You… Continue reading
Sensible Britons
I heard about the decision of the United Kingdom's House of Lords earlier today, but only realized the importance of this decision as I was driving home listening to NPR. As the basis of most common law around the world, the 'modern' world has adopted what has been learned from the UK legal system over… Continue reading
Yay! Check out what is coming to Frisco!
Weather for Frisco, TX (Tuesday to Friday) 50°FClearWind: SE at 12 mphHumidity: 35% Tue55° | 28° Wed28° | 17° Thu33° | 18° Fri43° | 28°
Kylie News
Kylie is releasing a version of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” for digital download on Christmas Day.
Wild Broncos
Chatting with a friend tonight (who shall remain nameless, unless he wants me to embarrass him) about all things sex – primarily sexual activities of people. Anyway, it got me thinking, and I started doing some research online and reacquainted myself with The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. During the conversation we discussed the common… Continue reading
Who’s the Ho in Frisco?
Well the first Saturday in December in Frisco normally means Merry Main Street, the city's response to the ongoing need to do something to celebrate the variety of holidays (read Christmas) that occur around this time of year. This year was pleasantly different from previous years that Chris and I have attended, in that it was… Continue reading
LJ Comment Stats
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