Chris mentioned to me this morning that he had seen a tshirt while he was in New Orleans, featuring the recent "chocolate" comments by NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin. Click on the logo to visit the website to acquire this and other fun things. The tshirt was born after Nagin made comments during an interview on … Continue reading 190496

Gonads and Breasts

During our drive down to watch the movie yesterday, I made a comment about the WBC getting all bent out of shape over one of Sweden's princesses coming to live in America.  Here is the link (the reference was about how WBC would use the word tits, but substituted gonads for balls).


I got this email, and I just had to post it. This is funny (to me), especially the bill to bury books 🙂 Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:26 PM To: lgbt-politics@yahoogroups.com Subject: [lgbt-politics] 2005 Republican 'Fire Oaths' 2005 Republican 'Fire Oaths' January 27, 2005 http://www.christiangrantham.com Arkansas Rep. Roy Ragland (R-Marshall) hasn't said what he'd … Continue reading 81702