After what seemed like an eternity to get to this place, after 88 days from submitting our applications for a marriage-based visa and application for permanent residency, our interview was today and it was approved! We are more than stoked!
Tag: Immigration
How DOMA’s Repeal Is Changing Our Life
Submitted as part of a series that Equality Texas is doing on bi-national couples. Not a lot of our friends, even our gay friends, truly understood the concept of “legal strangers.” As an Australian in a same-sex relationship with an American, our ability to remain a family always seemed constrained by the USA’s decision not… Continue reading
DOMA Unconstitutional
Edited post from my Facebook: Today’s decision completely changes my and Chris’s life together. For over 14 years, I have found (legal) ways to remain in this country to be with the man that I love, and create the family that we have together. This has involved student visa’s and temporary work visas, in many… Continue reading
Why Repealing (Overturning) DOMA matters
Many of my friends may have been seeing some posts lately on my Facebook about the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) pending decision relating to DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). These posts relate to the SCOTUS reviewing a challenge to Section 3 of DOMA which “codifies the non-recognition of same-sex marriages for all federal purposes,… Continue reading
Visa Update
I’ve been bad in not keeping this blog up to date. I tend to twitter more than anything else now, but have avoided making my tweets a part of the blog (sometimes there are too many). Anyway, as I mentioned in my last blog post about my visa, there was some good news, and finally… Continue reading
Will that be on visa?
I got some news about my visa today, and it was positive (at least that is how I took it). Still playing the waiting game, but at least I know that it’s in the queue.
Today was not such a great day.
Today was my unexpected last day with working for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS). This reality occurred after receiving an email from my immigration attorney on Monday that stated (in part): “In regards to your case, we found out through an inquiry this morning they are not going to process it as premium processing and… Continue reading