Earlier this week, I received an email from James Nunn. The subject of the email was “Feedback: our names” and I'm thinking to myself, hmmm… more viagra adverts (coming through my feedback tool on my website). I was surprised to open the email and find this: Dear James, Hi. This is a bit cheeky but… Continue reading
Tag: Geeky
Dealing with SPAM
I'm trying a newly discovered setting on Outlook to manage SPAM. We'll see how it goes.
Speaking of Out
My internet service was down … how frustrating. Now all my diary entries are posted at the same time… though I could change that if I wanted, but that involves energy 🙂
One sheep… two sheep…
Another sleepness night. I think I need to find a nice quiet place and just burrow myself in and sleep. Still, found time to clean out a lot of email, and actually got around to deleting a couple of email accounts that just attract junk mail, so it hasn't been totally unproductive.
Mrs Dalloway?
Well … I've just watched The Hours again on DVD and once again find myself wondering how Chicago beat this movie in the awards. Justice was lacking. Yesterday, we went to Tim & Mike's Summer Blast party, and had a very enjoyable time. It's always nice to catch up with old friends, and make new… Continue reading
Caught a new show on TechTV tonight – unscrewed, hosted by Martin Sargent. On tonight's show they talked about Elijah Wood on the Very, Very Gay site. Worth a look, but don't take it seriously. Got a nice link to StephTheGeek as well – a fellow LiveJournal user, and enjoyed reviewing her web page (some… Continue reading
man help linux
Damn this Linux contraption. I’ve been trying to sort out my server for the last two days and finally I had to get an expert in to help me out (well, a good friend of mine). Hopefully this will be sorted out soon… Chris is still away in Houston.