One sheep… two sheep…

Another sleepness night. I think I need to find a nice quiet place and just burrow myself in and sleep. Still, found time to clean out a lot of email, and actually got around to deleting a couple of email accounts that just attract junk mail, so it hasn't been totally unproductive.


Caught a new show on TechTV tonight - unscrewed, hosted by Martin Sargent. On tonight's show they talked about Elijah Wood on the Very, Very Gay site. Worth a look, but don't take it seriously. Got a nice link to StephTheGeek as well - a fellow LiveJournal user, and enjoyed reviewing her web page (some … Continue reading unscrewed?

man help linux

Damn this Linux contraption. I've been trying to sort out my server for the last two days and finally I had to get an expert in to help me out (well, a good friend of mine). Hopefully this will be sorted out soon... Chris is still away in Houston.