I’m looking up an address in Google Maps for an work meeting earlier today, and I click on send to do my normal “send to email” option, only to find that there were two additional options: car and GPS. You will need to add a plug-in (IE and FF), and once you have that installed,… Continue reading
Tag: Geeky
Isn’t 13 unlucky for some?
It’s amazing what you find when you are browsing randomly through the web. It seems that the number on the back of books (the ISBN) is moving from 10-digits to 13-digits in 2007. The source of this news actually provides a really good overview of how the ISBN system works, and why it is the… Continue reading
Mobile friendly sites
Being a crackberry user, I’m always interested in articles that collect useful links, especially if they relate to the my handy hand-sized gizmo. Over at BlackBerry Forums I discovered this link to a page full, I mean FULL of links that are mobile device friendly. If you use a mobile device, its worth checking this… Continue reading
And then there were eight…
… planets, that is. According to a BBC news story, Astronomers have voted to strip Pluto of its status as a planet after approving new guidelines defining what constitutes a planet.
Graveyard for Dead Federal Websites
Yep, there is such a place, and it’s hosted at University of North Texas in partnership with the Government Printing Office. It’s appropriately called the CyberCemetary. Here you will find websites on the National Partnership for Reinventing Government, the President’s Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History, and other now dead websites.
making work friendly
This is a pretty kewl waste of time. It imports a website into a Word-esque looking document (either Blue or Silver versions). As Paul asks, are there any workplaces where this would be needed? It reminds me of the old “BOSS” button that some sites used to have. Besides with RSS feeds all over the… Continue reading
Blog Surfing
Earlier this week while looking at other people’s blogs, I found this link (courtesy of danah @ apophenia). It provides an insight to how different drugs affect our behaviours and our abilities to function, through the use of animated mice. It really is a very cool tool if you want to understand what actually happens… Continue reading
As some of my friends know, I’ve been recently trying out a BlackBerry as a replacement phone. The move would also involve me changing my service provider from Sprint to T-Mobile. (Sprint has mobile communication devices like BlackBerry, but their service plans seemed to be a little steep, and therefore not an option.) Currently, I… Continue reading
OScar Project
I'm doing some research on different sites that use Mambo/Joomla, and found this one. From the site: It is the goal of the OScar Project to develop a car according to Open Source principles. In our opinion, a car is not a vehicle full of high-tech gadgets. Instead, we are looking for a simple and… Continue reading