Graveyard for Dead Federal Websites

Yep, there is such a place, and it's hosted at University of North Texas in partnership with the Government Printing Office. It's appropriately called the CyberCemetary. Here you will find websites on the National Partnership for Reinventing Government, the President's Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History, and other now dead websites.


As some of my friends know, I've been recently trying out a BlackBerry as a replacement phone. The move would also involve me changing my service provider from Sprint to T-Mobile. (Sprint has mobile communication devices like BlackBerry, but their service plans seemed to be a little steep, and therefore not an option.) Currently, I … Continue reading CrackBerry

OScar Project

I'm doing some research on different sites that use Mambo/Joomla, and found this one.  From the site: It is the goal of the OScar Project to develop a car according to Open Source principles. In our opinion, a car is not a vehicle full of high-tech gadgets. Instead, we are looking for a simple and … Continue reading OScar Project