Daniel and I celebrated our tenth anniversary in November 1997. We had a bunch of friends helping us celebrate, and the sign that we are holding was made by our good friend Diane.
Tag: Daniel
1997 USA Travels Summary
Our pictures from the trip can be found over on my flickr page. New York James at Carnegie Hall James at Carnegie Hall 2 Daniel and his ticker tape parade James and his ticker tape parade Daniel Blading in Central Park James blading with a Yellow Cab Dallas, Texas American Airline planes Mike, Tim and… Continue reading
USA Travels 1997
Well it was talked about, we did it and now we want to brag about it! Over a period of about five weeks in September 1997, Daniel and I travelled to the United States. The itinerary can be found on the Travel Calendar (note 1) which has the most up to date travel plans on… Continue reading
Port Douglas 1996
During our visit to the north, we meet John & Jeff on the Ocean Spirit Reef Trip. The trip was organised for the Men On Vacation group, and if John or Jeff had not seen “all the boys” boarding that boat, they would have spent their trip with the blue-rinse brigade! They jumped shipped and… Continue reading
Australian Trip 1996
Hi there! Well for the period 1 March to 17 March 1996, Daniel and I travelled around some parts of Australia (refer itinerary below), and I thought that I would put some of the highlights on the Web for your enjoyment. We met some fabulous people while travelling, and visited some lovely places. If you… Continue reading
John & Jeff – Port Douglas 1996
During our visit to the north, we meet John & Jeff on the Ocean Spirit Reef Trip. The trip was organised for the Men On Vacation group, and if John or Jeff had not seen “all the boys” boarding that boat, they would have spent their trip with the blue-rinse brigade! They jumped shipped and… Continue reading
Bill and Todd – Sydney 1996
During Mardi Gras, we meet a couple from San Francisco – Bill and Todd. I had been communicating with them leading up to their trip to Australia, and while they were heading to our home town (Melbourne) after Mardi Gras, we weren’t going to be there, so we meet up in Sydney.