So I thought I might post my grades from my spring semester at UNT.
Tag: College Life
It’s all about Honor
I was just checking my class schedule for next week, and saw the following: Pretty cool (for me at least).
Fall Grades
Woo hoo! I just got my grades posted, and they are nice 🙂 One more semester like this, and I might graduate magna cum laude. Of course, this is presuming that my 3.2-something from CCCCD doesn’t come up and raise it’s ugly head (something I should raise with the advising staff one day soon).
Maya Angelou
On Thursday evening, I sat in the UNT Colesium and listened to Dr. Maya Angelou. She spoke about Rainbow in the Clouds, and how each person shines as part of that rainbow. It was a good theme, and extremely uplifting and inspirational. I thought her presentation was very good, and she is indeed a good… Continue reading
Toga To Go
Saturday night, our intrepid group headed north-west to Denton to attend a toga party hosted by Layton and his roommates. We were a little unsure of what to expect, given that this was a college-party and in Denton, but those fears soon subsided once we had arrived. Naturally, we all looked fabulous! Photos will be… Continue reading
Addicted to sex
Earlier this week, I received an email about a new class that was going to be offered during the fall 2006 semester titled, “Sex and Addiction.” Of course, I had to sign up, especially when I read that the course will include: a mixture of discussion, lecture and experiential content for this course which will… Continue reading
Minor Upset
Last week, I decided to reschedule one of my classes that I had dropped earlier this summer. Guess what? The class is full, and they don’t offer it in Spring. So now, I’m reviewing every class that is being held at 11am or 3:30 pm on a Tuesday and/or Thursday – as this is the… Continue reading
UNT Feedback – Day One
It's my first day of classes full-time at UNT. Yay! Yay, for two reasons. First, they have Internet (who would have thought that a university would have access to these Internets). Second, classes have not been totally disgusting (I still have one to go in just under three hours). I think I'm going to enjoy… Continue reading
What's "A" got to do with it?
Finally! Well my final semester is over at Collin College and I have my grades – yay! Two “A's” (Intro to Sociology and Concepts of Wellness and Fitness) and one “D” (Statistics). I'm not overly proud of the D, but I earned it, and am grateful that it's not an F. As for my UNT… Continue reading