Different Notices

It appears that the email sent out to members listing the dismissal items was different to that one used by the board during my hearing yesterday. You can review the email sent to CCGLA members yesterday (PDF), and then review the actual notice provided to me at the meeting here.

Email – MA to JN (11/20 @ 9:44 AM)

From: Mike Agan [mailto:mike@ccgla.org] Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:44 AM To: james@ccgla.org Cc: directors@ccgla.org Subject: CCGLA Resignation Importance: High James, As a gesture of good will and a measure of my friendship, I woud like to ask that you consider resigning from the CCGLA & CEF organizations. Regards, Mike Agan Vice President, CCGLA and … Continue reading Email – MA to JN (11/20 @ 9:44 AM)