UPDATE (6/30/2006): This complaint has been withdrawn.
CCGLA Complaint Withdrawn
Today, after a great deal of deliberation, I withdrew my legal action against CCGLA. It is important (to me) to document why I made this decision, as to some it may be seen as a retreat (possibly for the wrong reasons). When I filed this claim back in November 2005, I (foolishly) believed that the… Continue reading
Hearing Set for June 30
It appears that the CCGLA Board of Directors have engaged Mr. Jay English to represent them in the suit I filed last November, and after he (English) requested a date, one was set. So this coming Friday, June 30, I’ll be finally able to present my argument to the Judge as to why CCGLA’s actions… Continue reading
Losing Focus on Our Values
Have the recent discussions about illegal immigration triggered a reaction from CCGLA’s board of directors that now has this community organization discriminating against immigrants? Recently the CCGLA board amended its’ bylaws to prevent anyone who is not a registered voter to be eligible to be a director or officer of the organization. To become a… Continue reading
CCGLA Files Against CEF
After conducting a search yesterday (April 21) to find out if there has been any change in my Justice Court case status, I noticed that the Collin Equality Foundation, myself, and my partner Chris, had been named in another lawsuit filed by CCGLA. (The case number is 401-00994-06.) According to the Collin County site, the… Continue reading
Legal Update – April 2006
Well things have been a little slow on this. The latest from the Collin County Justice Court is that the case will still be assigned a date in May or June. Given the timing of the CCGLA annual meeting (May 23), I am hopeful that the date is in May before this meeting.
Legal Update
Still no date for the legal action against CCGLA. In discussing this with the County Court, they advised that it will most likely be scheduled after May, when the court starts to meet more regularly (the Justice Court deals with a lot of truancy issues, and it appears this is best handled when kids are… Continue reading
Is CCGLA there?
It appears that CCGLA is not following their own procedures, or have deliberately avoided collecting my certified letter sent on December 7, 2005. As you can see (click on the thumbnail to see a larger image), after repeated attempts by the United States Postal Service, my letter has been returned as unclaimed. The CCGLA Operations… Continue reading
CCGLA Responds to Complaint
Today, I collected the response to my complaint filed by CCGLA. In the document, filed with Collin County Justice Court on December 12, 2005, CCGLA denies all the claims in my complaint, and provides reasons to justify this statement. In the response, CCGLA makes reference to a withdrawal of “‘written consent’ at a November 20,… Continue reading