Camping 2006

Another year, another camping trip 🙂 Over the weekend Chris, Bobby, Ian, Jonas, Josh, and I headed north-east to Broken Bow (near Beavers Bend State Park) for our annual camping trip.  Also joining us were Bosley, Caleb, Colby, Dawson, and Skylar - los perros adventureros.Bobby, Ian, Chris, and I have been going every year since 2000 (well we … Continue reading Camping 2006

Group Shot #2 – Camping 2006

Group Shot - Kindness of Strangers Originally uploaded by MelbGuy. This picture was taken by a kind stranger who saw our attempts at a self-timer shot, and offered to take a picture for us.Left to right (clockwise): Jonas, Travis, Ian, Bobby, Josh, James (me), Chris, Bosley, Colby, Skylar, Caleb, Dawson.This is my new desktop picture!