And sorry seems to be the hardest word

After decades the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, today formally apologized for the historic mistreatment of Aborigines by the Australian people. "Prime Minister Kevin Rudd led the parliamentary apology to members of the Stolen Generations of aborigines, who were forcibly taken from their families and communities when they were young children under old assimilation policies." … Continue reading And sorry seems to be the hardest word

Gay relationships aren’t just about bonking!

I found this interesting article in a "The Australian" opinion piece the other day. It discusses the efforts of a Liberal Party (read, conservative party) MP, Mr. Warren Entsch to introduce a private member's bill that will provide legal equality to same-sex couples. What grabbed my attention in this article was the introduction, AMAZINGLY enough, … Continue reading Gay relationships aren’t just about bonking!

Yay, Melbourne (though it's been done before) Straight Students Wearing Gay T-Shirts? Fine by Me! By Sarah Warn Posted on Mon Feb 20, 2006 at 02:54:16 AM PST Last week, a Melbourne, Australia high school student was asked not to wear her "Nobody Knows I'm a Lesbian" t-shirt to school on picture day. She agreed to change the shirt, but several … Continue reading Yay, Melbourne (though it's been done before)