Well here I am in Austin, Texas at the TJCSGA State Convention. Day 1 was today which was spent travelling to Austin, and then just ducking from all the stuff that happens when you get here. We got to the hotel just after 1PM, but weren't able to check in until 3PM (what gives with… Continue reading
Guy Guide
At lunch today I said I'd post the link to The Guy Guide (currently featuring Steve Sandvoss).
Today I completed my forms to graduate this coming May (technically I'll be a summer graduation due to one class that I will need to complete). I guess for many, this has been a long time in coming. I've mixed feelings. Not sure if I'm ready for this closure.
Tom Delay's Legal Fund Contributors
The Guys over at Drop the Hammer are going through all the donors who have made contributions specifically to Tom DeLay's legal fund. So far some of the big name contributors are: American Airlines ($5,000) Bacardi USA ($3,000) Nissan ($5,000) RJ Reynols ($17,000) Verizon Services Group ($5,000) Thanks to ModernFabulosity for enlightening this one.
Phone Experiment
Yesterday, I acquired Vonage. I installed the telephone adapter, logged in, signed up and voila – Vonage is active. Here is a little information from their website: Using an existing high-speed Internet connection, Vonage technology enables anyone to make and receive phone calls – worldwide – with a touch-tone telephone. Offering quality phone service bundled… Continue reading
What's Playing on TIVO
Wandering around aimlessly this morning, I stumbled on this page. I think this is amazing. The fact that you can “see” what is on this guy's Tivo is pretty spectacular 🙂
Well Said
Courtesy Yahoo News
Fresh Air
While driving home from class, I was listening to Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Occasionally they have a commentator who spends a few moments discussing a topic. Today was a linguist who was discussing the use of the words “personal accounts” over “private accounts” in relation to social security. It was really fascinating, and I'm… Continue reading
Bitch Goddess – The Lost Chapters
I have read all of Robert Rodi's books, though most of them still reside in Australia. The following link is a listing of his novels, and a brief summary of each. http://www.robertrodi.com/novels.html Interestingly when I visited Rodi's website, I found a link to the lost chapters of Bitch Goddess. Who knew they existed! I've downloaded… Continue reading