So today is my birthday. Thank you Google for recognizing this today with my personalized search graphic. On this day, forty-eight years ago in Australia I was born. I was a winter baby, born in the month of June in the southern hemisphere (I’ve discovered I prefer having summer birthdays!). I love celebrating my birthday;… Continue reading
More tragedy and lives lost
I am just nauseous with the news this morning that a man took it upon himself, in the name of his god to murder 50 members of the LGBTQ community, and injure 53 others in Orlando earlier today. It doesn’t matter if this is a hate crime, an act of terrorism or just the workings… Continue reading
We All Should Value Privacy
Especially in the bathroom! This is Caroline Cossey, a transgender woman who is a former Bond Girl and posed for Playboy in the 90’s. Frisco has two candidate’s in the runoff election (early voting starts June 6, election day is June 18) that want people like Caroline to be forced to use the male restrooms… Continue reading
Vote on Marriage Equality
The issue of marriage equality in Australia remains a hot topic. Today, in support of a free vote, I’ve sent the following letter to my local member and each of the Senators for Victoria. I am writing to you to urge you to support a free vote on marriage equality in Parliament as soon as… Continue reading
Happy Anniversary Sweetie!
Happy anniversary to my amazing husband, Chris Moss. March 5, 1999 I moved here without really knowing where life would lead me. That date became the date that we established our lives together. Over the years, we have had an incredible journey, and I’m so thankful that three years ago we were married, and started… Continue reading
Decide Today How Tomorrow Looks
Happy New Year, As you know, I’ve been in the nonprofit sector for over ten years and while I have loved what I have done during this time, I was never excited by the rewards. Recently I had the decision made for me to leave the nonprofit world, and like I did so many years… Continue reading
But first, an update.
It seems that when things happen, they happen all at once. After enjoying a week off during Thanksgiving, I threw my back out the Saturday after the holiday. This happens from time to time, and it is always an annoyance and a reminder that I’m getting older. So the Monday after Thanksgiving I returned to… Continue reading
It’s not easy, like Sunday Morning
As I catch up on my Sunday morning social media updates, news and posts about kittens and baby elephants being saved, I’m reminded that in my adopted home (the land of the free), there are still so many people who are willingly engaging in a hateful discourse about groups of people. I’m a believer in… Continue reading
Submission to Australian Inquiry Relating to Marriage
I missed the deadline (damn timezones) for submitting my comments relating to the Australian Senate Inquiry, so I decided to post it here. Committee Secretary Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 By email: Subject: The matter of a popular vote, in the form of a plebiscite… Continue reading