After a brief moment in time, I have concluded the survey which was asking the very important question: “When referring to male masturbation, have you ever associated the term “emptying the chamber” with this activity?” The results are astounding! 1. Chamber Poll 1. When referring to male masturbation, have you ever associated the term “emptying… Continue reading
I've been tagged by . As difficult as this may be to believe, this is my first time. So apparantly, I have to list five or so fictional characters (Movie, Book, TV) that I would want to sleep with, and then I have to tag five friends (sort of like a chain letter, only fun).… Continue reading
Please Take My Survey
I am conducting an extremely important survey, and would like you to participate by clicking here to take survey.
TX Marriage Rant
The Texas Legislature is currently considering putting another amendment to the Texas Constitution on the ballot in November. This one relates to eminent domain, and is a reaction to the recent Supreme Court decision. Here is the wording: “The constitutional amendment to prohibit the state or a political subdivision from taking private property for the… Continue reading
Tonight Chris attends his first meeting as a Planning & Zoning Commissioner. (See post.)
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Just viewed this piece about the future of media. (via towleroad) Worth a click and review!
Monday Updates
Today, I have to wish a happy birthday (22 years). I also have to congratulate the Slurpee (bought to you by our friends at 7-Eleven) a happy anniversary/birthday, as it turns forty today. Happy retirement to the 63 year old German prostitute. “She said she charges 30 euros ($36) and on good nights she has… Continue reading
Diane Update
I got an email from Diane yesterday morning (I’ve been delaying posting about it). She is not well AT ALL. It appears the type of leukemia she has is Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), which normally develops when there has been a high exposure to radiation and benzene. It is the most common of the leukemias… Continue reading
Southernmost Point
Just got this image of the Southernmost Point (of the USA, and located in Key West) sent to me. It reminded me of another post I made last year during Hurricane Charley, so I just had to post this pic. Edited to include the following pic of me at the same point in June 1999… Continue reading