I went to upgrade my site this morning, and promptly broke it. So for the time being, jamesnunn.com is my blog. I'll worry about fixing it one day.
Should I stay?
It didn't take long. Over at Crooks and Liars, someone has put together music with the Bob Novak exit on yesterday's Inside Edition. Also there, is a link to an interview given by James Carville who explains the reason (or one of them) that Novak up and left.
AR8 Premieres 9/27
Amazing Race 8 gets a premiere date on September 27, 2005 commencing at 8PM (CST).
Back Pain
Thanks to Good As You for this tidbit. It appears that some conservative organizations are getting all upset that Johnson and Johnson's Tylenol PM advertised in the July 19 edition of The Advocate. Focus on the Family, American Family Association and the Klu Klux Klan are outraged over the advert and are rallying their troops… Continue reading
Catching up on Santorum
I guess I've been slack on keeping up to date on what is happening in the world of conservative politicians. Firstly, I didn't realize that Senator Rick Santorum has been getting all hot and bothered about being questioned about what he has written in his book. I saw the John Stewart episode with him, and… Continue reading
Keep those keys tapping
This is kind of cool. A blogathon (if it's good enough for Jerry Lewis, why not bloggers!). Details here: http://www.blogathon.org/.
Hell Freezing Over
This may be old, but it's the first time I saw it. I really like the guy's logic 🙂 Thanks to thomas&co for this gem. The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so “profound” that the professor shared it with colleagues, via… Continue reading
Florida Shame
All I can say is shame, Florida, shame. Young, Gay, and Hated in Florida (via towleroad)
CNN Leaks Novak Out
Daily Kos reports on CNN's decision to suspend Bob Novak today after his outburst, and walking of the set of Inside Edition. John Stewart played the excerpt this evening, however it was difficult to tell what James Carville was saying just before Novak stormed out. Daily Kos has the text.