Billy Rehnquist died last night. I don't think this will change the make up of the court as much as the Sandra Day O'Connor vacancy will, and I do hope he appoints an outsider. That is all.
FEMA F*@ks up and how
Got this sent to me today explaining how FEMA may have messed up. Worth a read (a little left wing *wink*).
Bigger Name
Why is it that when you are working towards a common goal, someone decides that their name isn’t big enough, and derails the whole process, and generally f#*ks it up for the rest of us?
Low blogs
Is it a low blogging week or what?!?! I hope to do a major catch up this weekend. It is the first week back at college after all 🙂
First Day of (Fall) School
Day one of Fall Semester has gone pretty smoothly. I think I'm going to actually like my statistics class, and I'll definately enjoy Intro to Sociology. It's odd, I've been in Professor Elliott's class a few times, and this is the most basic of her classes. It's full, and a few pieces of eye candy… Continue reading
Thorpedo’s Ready
This link to towleroad is for my friend Damir, who complains when I don’t post, but refuses to update his blog.
Falwell falters
Speaking of opponents to gay people, Jerry Falwell lost his court case to force the transfer of a domain ( According to a press release from Public Citizen: “This is a victory for First Amendment rights on the Internet,†said Levy. “We are pleased that the court agreed that Mr. Lamparello has a right to… Continue reading
HK solves Sodomy Crime Issue …
… by striking down the law. According to CNN News, a judge has struck down the sodomy laws that have been on the books for fourteen years. In the ruling, High Court Judge Michael Hartmann also said that the laws are a “grave and arbitrary interference with the right of gay men to self-autonomy in… Continue reading
Go Mean Green
Over the last few days I have been attending International Student Orientation (Monday), Transfer Student Orientation (today), finalizing my class schedule for Collin (taking nine hours there in fall), and trying to register with UNT (taking three hours there). After today, I sighed a huge pile of relief, as all (except registration) has been done.… Continue reading