A few months ago, Chad Fox over at Stop Touching My Food told a little story about how someone was going to be blocking off one of the streets near him to send a bunch of balls bouncing along the alley way. Today, Andy over at towleroad posted a link to the site with the… Continue reading
Embarassing Numbers
I'm just catching up on some blog reading, and I was suprised to read a comment by a friend of mine recently. Over on Scott's blog, he wrote: One high point is that only 66.45% of my county voted for it, so we aren't quite as backwards as the rest of the state. Chris &… Continue reading
Outlawing Same-Sex Anything
Over at Burnt Orange Report, Karl T. has written a summary of the good and bad people who bought you the amendment that was recently passed in Texas to outlaw same-sex anything.
Now he wants to protect marriage?
Representative Warren Chisum, the bigot from West Texas, has decided that he now wants to actually do something to protect marriage. In the Dallas Morning News he is quoted as saying, “it's too easy for spouses to split up. The state should consider repealing or modifying its no-fault divorce law.” Chisum then goes to say… Continue reading
Aren’t We Purdy?
Chris and I recently attended the Black Tie Dinner in Dallas. It was a chance to dress up and look all purdy. You can click on the smaller images for a larger image.
ID in PA: Ta Ta
ID goes bye-bye in PA (link) “All eight members up for re-election to the Pennsylvania school board that had been sued for introducing the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in biology class were swept out of office yesterday by a slate of challengers who campaigned against the intelligent design policy.”
Book of James
This Book of James is not to be confused with the other one. For many years I’ve said “I should write a book” and my new site provides me with the tools to make this task that little bit easier. The topic of this book will be me. How “like him,” I hear some of… Continue reading
West Wing Live on Sunday – Taking Questions
The West Wing LIVE Sunday 8/7c Santos and Vinick face-off in a live debate for a West Wing Event! Submit a question, click here.
Blog notes
Here here Pink Dome! Daily Kos gives us an update on the current status of the Online Freedom of Speech Bill that has been stalled in the congress. It appears that the Democrats are going to run a candidate against Ralph Hall in CD-04 in 2006. (BOR) A yummy tummy over at the Guy Guide.… Continue reading