I wanted to thank all of you who have sent me emails supportive of my actions against CCGLA. A couple of you have asked why I was pursuing this, and I thought I would post my response to this question here. Firstly, I believe that the actions of members of the CCGLA Board was in… Continue reading
Fugging Funny
This find courtesy of my friend . Go Fug Yourself is a talented couple of women who have far too much time on their hands, and seek out incredibly unflattering pictures of people to comment on. It seems that one of the recent commentaries featured Ms. Courtney Act. Read their comments here. Personally, I think… Continue reading
I've changed the name of my blog (again). I've had “My Life to a Point” for a little while now, but after revisiting Rent recently, I liked the idea of calling my blog “No Day But Today” which generally reflects how I feel about most things. Living in the past, or waiting for the future,… Continue reading
Words can mean so much…
I've just seen Rent 2005 (the movie) … can you tell? Absolutely brilliant, and teh concerns that I had about how the directors would transition this from the stage to the big screen were completely unfounded. I saw RENT at the Nederlander Theater in New York in 1997, about a year after it opened. It… Continue reading
There’s only us
“There’s only us There’s only this Forget regret or life is yours to miss No other road No other way No day but today” — Life Support, Rent 2005
Sociology and religion
I've just finished doing some assignments for my sociology class, and one of the assignments centered around religion. What was interesting about this assignment were the different resources that I needed to visit to answer some of the questions. As I'm sure I will want this information again at some point in the future, and… Continue reading
It's Thanksgiving Day and we have just finished watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on NBC (I say this, as this is the first time in three years that we've seen it on turkey day, as this is the first year that Chris's parents has local channels (they have satellite television). Chris is out washing Colby.… Continue reading
Keeps getting better…
Another leaked memo from Downing Street that tells us that President Bush planned to bomb Arab TV station al-Jazeera in friendly Qatar. Click here for the article in the Mirror (UK).
TX Supreme Court Rules Education Tax Unconstitutional
Burnt Orange Report has blogged that the Texas Supreme Court ruled this morning on the School Finance System, and found that it is unconstitutional, and have given the Texas Legislature until June 1, 2006 to fix the law. This is also being reported over at the Texas Bar website. You can find the opinion here.