Speaking of the AFA, it appears they are upset that Ford “reneged” on their agreement about pulling advertising (which technically, Ford did not do). They are now considering a boycott against Ford (similar to the one they called for about six months ago). [AFA Link] While I believe that boycotts are generally ineffective, I find… Continue reading
Where's my parade?
It's always about a damn parade 🙂 See how the AFA is getting it's vas deferens in a twist over Wal*Mart. http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/afa/152005b.asp
Mid-December Update
Not much is happening with the allocation of a court date for the issue between the CCGLA board and myself. When that is available, it will be posted here. On a related note, it appears that CCGLA doesn’t really check it’s mail that often. My response to the CCGLA expulsion letter has been delivered but… Continue reading
Neuropolitics Survey
Layton linked to this survey, which I took. And now the results: Personal Evaluation You are focused on social inequity in your daily life. You have a higher tolerance for ambiguous reality models. You maintain a larger social relationship array than most people. Your moral system is highly based on greatest good or utilitarian principles. You… Continue reading
Sensible Britons
I heard about the decision of the United Kingdom's House of Lords earlier today, but only realized the importance of this decision as I was driving home listening to NPR. As the basis of most common law around the world, the 'modern' world has adopted what has been learned from the UK legal system over… Continue reading
CCGLA Served
Dawnetta Miller, CCGLA’s Founder and Registered Agent, was served with papers relating to the court case on the afternoon of December 1, 2005, by the Collin County Constable’s office. This means that CCGLA has until 10AM on Monday, December 12 to respond to the claims.
Go West … no, really … GO!
It appears that the voters in Spokane, WA finally got rid of their mayor, Jim West, after a recall election ousted him yesterday. Sixty-five percent voted “yes” to remove West from office. (Source: Seattle Times)
OM Freakin’ G
Talk about Santa's inability to control his animalistic urges! (This is what it is really about.) I mean, who wants their kids bouncing on Santa's hardened lap. Another solution would have been to move Santa, or better still – not have the dude there in the first place. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa who… Continue reading
Well it will come as no suprise to many of you, that the CCGLA Board of Directors expelled me as a member of CCGLA on December 1, 2005. I will admit that I’m a little suprised by the reason they cited in their reason for this action, especially given the letter that I wrote seeking… Continue reading