Oh, I almost forgot. Bobby, his parents, his sister, Chris and I went to the Turtle Creek Chorale Holiday show on Monday night. It was a little different to the usual set-up, and I have to say that I liked it. The panto-style show beforehand, followed by the formal part of the show has always… Continue reading
One of my favorite blogs that I read has moved locations. You can now read “Searching for Love in Manhattan” over here. Psstt… you can also now see a image that is meant to be the author.
Election Analysis in Frisco
This is a fantastic tool! Visit and type in your zip code and you will get an analysis of political contributions for the 2004 presidential election – including a Google Map of where those contributions are located in that zip code (not to mention the names and addresses, and phone numbers of the contributors). What… Continue reading
Leave it to the Irish
Another country with same-sex marriage-like occurrences happening. The first “regular” people to get “married” took place in Belfast earlier today. For those that think “gay weddings” are a bad thing for the economy, one should look at this article which discusses the dollars in pink weddings, not too mention the “fighting” that is taking place… Continue reading
Smarty – design
I was trying to spend some time catching up on blogs, and I was visiting my friend Layton's blog, and reading some comments and found this link on a person's profile that commented on his blog. This website is pretty damn awesome, not to mention “smart” (from a design, and geeky web developer point of view). It's… Continue reading
Brokeback Mountain
Well over the weekend, Ian, Bobby, Chris, Layton, Jonas, Douglas and myself went to see Brokeback Mountain (the movie). I'll join with most others who have seen this movie, and say “brilliant!” I found it to be an extremely touching love story, and I thought that Ledger and Gyllenhaal did a remarkable job of playing the… Continue reading
What's "A" got to do with it?
Finally! Well my final semester is over at Collin College and I have my grades – yay! Two “A's” (Intro to Sociology and Concepts of Wellness and Fitness) and one “D” (Statistics). I'm not overly proud of the D, but I earned it, and am grateful that it's not an F. As for my UNT… Continue reading
Is anyone a member of the Orkut community network?
This is funny. A new look on an all so familiar event. [Thanks Faustus]