I was just reading that the SCOTUS decided not to hear a case between White Buffalo Ventures and the University of Texas at Austin, which upholds the decision of the lower court that spamming is a breach of the First Amendment (as it relates to university email systems). Now I'm listening to the testimony of Judge… Continue reading
Just because…
Thank you AFA
I really have the AFA to thank for putting me onto The Book of Daniel. Normally, I would have read the blurb, seen it was “just another show about religion” and not given it a second thought. After the noise that the AFA and their underlings made about the show, I thought I should check… Continue reading
Still waiting
I never really wanted to contribute to the liturgious society that we live in, however recent activities of a small group of people involved with a community organization which I have been involved have caused me to join this societal grouping. (You can read more about the details here.) I'm still waiting to hear from the court… Continue reading
I heart DL JG
More reasons to like (er, love) Jake Gyllenhaal. Thanks JustJared.
Gay News Update
Was just catching up on some news, and thought I would share some links and thoughts. News Story One: The Cherokee Nation has dismissed a challenge to a same-sex marriage between Kathy Reynolds and Dawn McKinley. The highest court found that as the plaintiff's were not individually harmed or affected by the marriage. One of the… Continue reading
Call to Action
It seems that the first NBC affiliate has succumbed to the pressure being bought about by the AFA, in relation to the new show commencing on Friday, “The Book of Daniel.” The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is asking people to call the network and their affiliate stations and say they are looking… Continue reading
WTF is up with the weather?
What is wrong with this picture?? Remember, it's winter in Texas and summer in Melbourne.
Random Blog Summary
Interesting look for Heath Ledger (courtesy of Oh la la Paris). Speaking of cute things, check out the Daily Kitten, where they promise a new kitten each day at 3:07 pm 🙂 Finally (joke) a site where they combine the masculine form and beauty – with pictures! Cute boys from a variety of sources. Over… Continue reading