Well after making the trek to Addison for Kaboom Town, we were standing on the balcony looking at a prematurely ended show. The music continued as if nothing happened, which was exactly what was happening 🙂 I now also remember why I don’t come to Kaboom Town – not because of the failings of a… Continue reading
The Spiritual Side of James
Every person has the natural right (and the responsibility) to peacefully determine what is right within the law. We are advocates of religious freedom and the good life. I was originally ordained a minister of the Universal Life Church in 1999, however had to be re-ordained in August 2003 due to a mix up at… Continue reading
CCGLA Lawsuit
Related Documents See the Dismissal Order See the lawsuit summary Today, after a great deal of deliberation, I withdrew my legal action against CCGLA. It is important (to me) to document why I made this decision, as to some it may be seen as a retreat (possibly for the wrong reasons). When I filed this… Continue reading
CCGLA Lawsuit Information
UPDATE (6/30/2006): This complaint has been withdrawn.
CCGLA Complaint Withdrawn
Today, after a great deal of deliberation, I withdrew my legal action against CCGLA. It is important (to me) to document why I made this decision, as to some it may be seen as a retreat (possibly for the wrong reasons). When I filed this claim back in November 2005, I (foolishly) believed that the… Continue reading
Eeeks … blog temporarily gauche
I seemed to have made a change to my regular template that upset the viewable features of my blog, so I’ve found something disturbing to temporarily keep people occupied until I re-do my template file. Enjoy!
TX Redistricting Decision
The SCOTUS has released (CNN, MSNBC) its decision on the Texas Redistricting case, and appears to have upheld most of the plan, except those parts that affected about 100,000 Latinos, as it affected their rights under the Voting Rights Act. Looks like we’ll be seeing yet another special session this year.
I think they are on to something here…
It seems that someone out there is trying to address the ongoing health of our younger generation … finally! The people over at Life for Kids have developed a system that measures the level of physical activity that kids undertake each day, and then transfers that “activity time” to television time. It’s called the “Physical… Continue reading
As some of my friends know, I’ve been recently trying out a BlackBerry as a replacement phone. The move would also involve me changing my service provider from Sprint to T-Mobile. (Sprint has mobile communication devices like BlackBerry, but their service plans seemed to be a little steep, and therefore not an option.) Currently, I… Continue reading