Courtesy of towleroad, this blog entry over at the Republic of T.
Can you Digg this?
I was reading today and found a couple of cool links which I thought I would share. MySpace (News Corp). What News Corp doesn’t want you to know about MySpace: Condensed edition. An expose article that has the guys over at News Corp a little hot and bothered. [digg story]
Remembering Col. Canfield D. Boone
A few weeks back I signed up for Project 2,996. 2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11. On September 11, 2006, 2,996 volunteer bloggers will join together for a tribute to the victims of 9/11. I was fortunate to be allocated Col. Canfield Demonte (“Bud”) Boone of the United States Army National Guard.… Continue reading
Reversal Time
Following a “settlement conference” on Wednesday between CCGLA and CEF, I have reuploaded all the previous material relating to my lawsuit against CCGLA for their actions relating to my removal as a director, and expulsion as a member.
History is Fun
Ian passed on this really cool history learning website. It provides options and education. Try and figure out what the reward is if you get all the answers right 🙂 Check it out today, and learn you something!
I was catching up on blogs today, and found this very cool speed test for the Internets (well the one I’m currently using). Thanks to Chad Fox for the link. That is 6,111 kb/s download. About adequate for all the downloads that venture into this house.
Live Blogging
Reporting live from Six Flags, Chris and Ian have now just released from cell block number 2 (aka The Wild Catter). It seems that we are doomed to have someone get stuck on this ride each year (yep second year in a row this has happened). They are free now – we are continuing on… Continue reading
Word of the Day
I got the following WOTD today. DAILY WORD pettifogger – an underhanded lawyer For those that know me well, today was THE perfect day for this!
Monday Blog Commentary
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged on what others are blogging about, and what is in the news (that interests me). So I’d thought I’d waste a few moments of Labor Day labouring away at the keyboard regurgitating what others have written. First. Steve Irwin, the Australian Crocodile Hunter is dead. Irwin died while… Continue reading