Miss you every day, but I’m reminded how much I miss you on this day when you left us. Love you mom. Life just isn’t the same without you. Miss telling you about everything going on with our lives.
Meet Merle!
April 23rd was the day we met Merle. It was not under the most ideal circumstances. We were up at Beaver’s Bend for a weekend away with “the crowd” and following breakfast, the “kids” (i.e. Simon, Jorge, Grace, and Drew) decided to go for a wander. After walking along the creek, the gang found a… Continue reading
Request for Posthumous Award of Promotion
Today, I submitted my request to the Australian Defence Department to recognize and award (posthumously) a promotion for my grandfather, Sgt. David John McCullough that he had been given prior to his death in the Fall of Singapore. Read the letter below.
Today (Jan. 28) was a sad day in the household. Max was more like a dog than a cat in many ways. He was the perfect cat for us. Today he left us. A few folks have asked what happened & while so much happened so quickly, here’s an overview. This morning Max was not… Continue reading
#TeamTracie 2022
I am so excited that Tracie Reveal Shipman has stepped up during this critical time to once again serve our great city. For those that don’t know Tracie (and I’m not really sure who that may be in this city), she was one of the visionary citizens and then council members who created the plan… Continue reading
House Updates 2021
One of the big projects that have been going on with Chris and I over the past few months have been some significant updates to our house. There are some that say that if you want to test a relationship, then build a house or do renovations. Thankfully, we have done the former twice before,… Continue reading
Hello Mother. Three Years On.
Hello Mother. It is I, your number three son. I remember the first FB message I got from you. “Hello James … this is your mother.” I’d been trying to get you to set up a Facebook account for months, maybe a year or so before, and then one day, out of the blue I… Continue reading
2021 Election – City Edition
Always fun to get a different version of history presented to you on a hump day. Woke up this morning with a question about my alleged support for one of the candidates in the Frisco runoff election (yes, Virginia THERE IS a runoff election in Frisco). To be clear, I am not supporting either of… Continue reading
Lost Letter to my Grandmother – 76 years later
Recently, I was contacted through my website by a gentleman whose grandfather (Major Lawrence) was the commanding officer of my grandfather who was killed in WWII. The letter he wrote explained the day that my grandfather was injured, and the attempts that were taken to save his life following the bomb that was dropped near… Continue reading