I just don’t understand who in the Bush Administration thinks this was a good idea, given the happenings today in Congress. WASHINGTON – President Bush has quietly claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans’ mail without a judge’s warrant, the Daily News has learned. The President asserted his new authority when he signed a postal… Continue reading
It’s a New Year for Politics
Well this is the month of politics. This coming Thursday (1/4), the new Congress (110th) convenes with a new Democratic leadership in both the House and the Senate (hands up if you will be tuned to C-SPAN at 12 Noon EST). I think this will be an exciting time for those involved in politics. Many… Continue reading
Happy New Year
Last night, Chris, Brian and I hosted our 6th annual NYE party. As we all know, he who blogs first, writes the truth. We were lucky to have some wonderful friends celebrate the new year with us this year (there will be additional photographic evidence to this fact later on), and we all had a… Continue reading
John Edwards to run for President
John Edwards, former VP candidate will be announcing tomorrow that he will be a candidate for President of the United States. Check out his site (he even has You Tube videos!).
Case Update
A couple of things have occured since the settlement conference that was held in September. A court ordered mediation was scheduled for September 20, 2006; this was delayed until October 26, 2006, following a request from CCGLA’s attorney; no settlement was reached during this conference A Motion for Summary Judgment was filed on November 3,… Continue reading
Fall Grades
Woo hoo! I just got my grades posted, and they are nice 🙂 One more semester like this, and I might graduate magna cum laude. Of course, this is presuming that my 3.2-something from CCCCD doesn’t come up and raise it’s ugly head (something I should raise with the advising staff one day soon).
Isn’t 13 unlucky for some?
It’s amazing what you find when you are browsing randomly through the web. It seems that the number on the back of books (the ISBN) is moving from 10-digits to 13-digits in 2007. The source of this news actually provides a really good overview of how the ISBN system works, and why it is the… Continue reading
Mobile friendly sites
Being a crackberry user, I’m always interested in articles that collect useful links, especially if they relate to the my handy hand-sized gizmo. Over at BlackBerry Forums I discovered this link to a page full, I mean FULL of links that are mobile device friendly. If you use a mobile device, its worth checking this… Continue reading
I like to watch …
This weekend, it seemed I was meant to watch things. As Peter Sellers said, “I like to watch.” After a failed attempt at going to a movie on Friday evening, I got to watch a Netflix acquired movie, Third Man Out (a gay detective story). It was okay, a little disappointing, and not really appreciated… Continue reading