Well after starting the whole process of finding a new home and building it, we have finally moved into our new abode! I have to say it is pretty amazing, and I am enjoying the time that we are taking to get to know our new house. For those that frequented our previous home, you… Continue reading
2010: A Review
Back in January 2010, I posted a list of goals (or resolutions) that I had. While I was able to achieve some of these, many of these went uncompleted. As I give thought to what I want to achieve in 2011, here is a review of 2010. 1. Start a family. Chris and I have… Continue reading
Happy Holidays 2010
Happy Holidays
When A Neighborhood Becomes Unfriendly
I’m going to start by stating my bias. I don’t have a lot of love for my current HOA board, especially some of the decisions that they make. Many of the decisions appear to me – at least – to be self serving (this is where my bias comes in). Take for example the latest… Continue reading
time for change
After being in our house for almost ten years (January 2011) we have decided to start the House 2.0 project. Chris and I have been looking around for a couple of years for the next “perfect” home for us to live in. We initially thought that we could find a foreclosed property that we could… Continue reading
Pat. Seriously?
So today I get an invitation from City Councillor Pat Fallon to attend a fundraising event at his home for Texas GOP Chair Steve Munisteri. For $250 (minimum donation required), I’d get to listen to Mr Munisteri tell me how – among other things – the GLBT community should never be a part of the… Continue reading
a birthday request …
June gives many of us all two reasons to celebrate. It’s GLBT Pride month and it’s my birthday (yes, another Gemini)! As you may know, I serve on the board of Youth First Texas. This year, I want to ask that if you were planning on celebrating my birthday with me that you take a… Continue reading
Aussie Country Homophobia
It’s sad when you are reminded how small minded some individuals can be. Nothing bothers me more than when this happens in my home country of Australia. Here is a video highlighting a bad decision by The New Albury Hotel’s management. Homophobia needs to be challenged. Contact Matt Griffiths the New Albury Hotel’s General Manager… Continue reading