Well it is amazing to say, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed Amazing Race 4. It did help that two very cute gay men are in the final three – AND WON! – but I have to say, that in recapping some of the more recent episodes, the octopus eating task that Riechen and Chip went… Continue reading
Tonight I received a scholarship award from the CCCCD Foundation. It was very nice to receive, and I was so amazed at how many are given each year (600 at tonight's function). It helps a lot. Need to write a letter about this to some of the organizers and donors.
Well it's been an interesting week. It started off really rut-tish and low (quite depressed about everything) and it's ended this week with a good, happy feeling. I was very worried about paying for college this coming semester, and thankfully, I was awarded a scholarship to cover half my tuition, which took a LOT of… Continue reading
Decaffeinated Felicia
Felicia is annoying me again. Twice now she has decided to stop running, and god knows how many mail messages I've lost. Actually, maybe that isn't a bad thing. We're out of milk, so I need to go to the store and grab some so I can start my (late) day with coffee.
Call me Reverend
After reading Frisco Online today and the points of view on the constitutional amendment relating to gay men and lesbians, I decided to reordain myself. It's difficult to determine what title to give myself, as all of them sound so blah. This is where the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have it made, as they have… Continue reading
Speaking of Out
My internet service was down … how frustrating. Now all my diary entries are posted at the same time… though I could change that if I wanted, but that involves energy 🙂
Boy meets Boy
Watched the Boy meets Boy show on Bravo. Fun show… though it drags somewhat in places … all for the suspense I guess. There are some very attractive men on the show, and the “star” did pick at least one of them to leave that I would have. One I didn't have an opinion on,… Continue reading
Frisco Thinking
There has been a thread on one of the Frisco Online message board about the constitutional amendment to define the term marriage to mean between a man and a woman. The thread is now upto about 350 messages, and the diversity of opinion is pretty overwhelming. Sadly there are those that believe that same-sex couples… Continue reading
One sheep… two sheep…
Another sleepness night. I think I need to find a nice quiet place and just burrow myself in and sleep. Still, found time to clean out a lot of email, and actually got around to deleting a couple of email accounts that just attract junk mail, so it hasn't been totally unproductive.